Friday, February 7, 2014

Wedding Bells

"A Marriage Made In Heaven"

Translation for Indonesia "Pernikahan yang diatur di Surga"

O you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted. Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires. 
Isaiah 54:11

           We serve an AWESOME God
In my early twenties, while living in the Netherlands, I was bearing the consequences of a sinful life. My past sins had become very obvious and could not be swept under the carpet. I became very desperate, not knowing what to do, neither where to turn to.
I had been deceived and walked around with a very heavy burden on my shoulders. At times, I thought I would go out of my mind and I contemplated suicide.

I started to call upon a God, I did not know. I said my childhood prayer, that was all I knew and I added: "God, if you just would help me this time, I am so desperate". My simple prayer came from deep down my heart.

Through an instant miracle, as described in My Testimony, the Lord reached down, grabbed me right in time, while the waters already had come to my nostrils. He saved me by the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ and set me free. I clung unto His Hand, never to let go again.

But I trust in the Lord, I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy, for You have considered my trouble; You have known my soul in adversities, and have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a wide place. 
Psalm 31:7-8

My new walk with my Saviour Jesus Christ had begun. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 
2 Corinthians 5:17

I will concentrate further on how The Lord provided me with a husband.
I often wondered, if I ever would meet a decent man who would marry me. 
My lady Pastor Neeltje Bouw said to me: "Trudy, just let the Lord find you a husband, He can do a much better job in finding you one than you ever can." I just had seen the Lord heal my mentally ill sister, so... was there anything impossible with God? Of course not! But, waiting for almost 2 years seemed like an eternity to me.

This particular time in August I went to Luxemburg for one week vacation with a Christian youth group. We camped out in a small field surrounded by woods and hills.

The second day I noticed a tall dark-haired young man and right away my heart started pounding. I thought, perhaps he will become my husband. I did not want to give into my feelings, because I really wanted the Lord to give me the "right" one. So, I prayed to the Lord and said: "Lord, You have to take this "in-love" feeling away from me if this young man is not going to be my husband, because that does not make sense." 

I didn't think this was any problem for the Lord, to answer this prayer. I really gave even my feelings to the Lord. I meant business and so did the Lord. Praise His wonderful Name.

The next morning when these feelings were still there I knew that I was going to marry this young man. This poor man (now my husband) did not know what was hanging above his head, he never had noticed me, neither did he know that I was in love with him. No way, did I want to show anything either.

I went off the camp a few times, prayed and fasted while I was sitting near a little brook. I could hear the water rushing by, and its sound outdid my praying and crying unto the Lord.

While I was at the brook, The Lord gave me the following Scriptures:
Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more. 
Isaiah 54:4

and you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will give. 
Isaiah 62: 2 b

How AMAZING is His loving-kindness! Of course, I knew that the Lord will give us a new name, once with Him. But this Scripture was for NOW. This meant for me a new last name as through marriage. That was all O.K. with me, but who was going to explain this to that young man, Casey? 

I said to the Lord that He had to do the work for me, because I was not going to tell this man anything, period. No way, was I going to make a fool out of myself. I really thought, he was too good looking for me anyway.
Wonderful, how the Lord even must have known my taste; tall, slim, dark...

A few days went by and I reminded the Lord that there were only three days left before we all were going home and if He please, would move on my behalf. I thought, the Lord was wasting some precious time here.

That Thursday we had the afternoon for ourselves and some of us walked through the country side to the nearby village, while talking to each other what the Lord had done in our lives. Then I noticed that Casey came closer by and started to mingle in our conversation. While continuing our walk to the village I realized the others had left us and here we were, just the two of us. We shared Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and how God had saved us.

By now, I had become a little tensed up, because I knew something that he did not know yet. Casey mentioned that he had asked the Lord for a wife, but till so far had not met the "one". I about burst, hearing this. After a while he looked at me and said: "Could it be you, perhaps?" I didn't say a thing. Casey carried on with the conversation. 

Then I said: "Do you think that the Lord plays cat and mouse and that He brings us together without a purpose?" No, Casey said," I don't think the Lord would do that." We talked a little more and he said: "Let's ask the Lord for confirmation, that one of the young people will tell us the Lord's purpose for us two."

He hardly had finished his sentence and low and behold, Jannie, the preacher's daughter, came running up to us and hollered: "I know you two are getting married. Trudy, I am glad for you but sorry for myself, because I am going to lose you." She then cried. 

A fellow from the camp came also rushing by with a big box in his hands with a cake in it. He put it right on the pavement and started cutting the cake. He said: " I bought it not realizing what for, but I know now that this is your wedding cake." He handed everybody a piece. The marvelous thing about it all is, that another person took a movie from this, which later was shown at our wedding. I even have the picture of me eating that cake.

This was FAR better than any movie from Hollywood, this was the REAL thing.
A husband, handpicked by the Lord, what better could I have asked for.

Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. 
Psalm 40:5

When we arrived at the camp somebody else threw rice over us, which is the tradition at a wedding of people from Indonesia. Well, we had enough confirmation and were engaged one month later and married a few months after, on November 15th of that same year . We had lots of time ahead of us to come to know each other better.

In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. But the Lord has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge. 
Psalm 94:19+22

We are now married for over 50 years, have 4 children and 4 grandchildren and 4 great-grandsons.
As you can understand many things have happened between then and now. I can honestly say, that the Lord Jesus Christ has been so faithful to us. He always has been my only Hope, even in difficulties in our marriage and family life.

Although our marriage was made in heaven, it was our chore to keep it there, which took all the necessary effort on our part.

Together, we went over hills and through valleys, while the Lord was teaching us. We have learned to appreciate each other in the Love of Christ. Our love for the Lord and each other has become as strong as a three-ply cord. I can only give Him ALL the Glory.

Whom have I in heaven but YOU? And there is NONE upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. 
Psalm 73:25-26

verse 28... But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, That I may declare all Your works.

40th Wedding Anniversary  

 This is most of our family. Our 3 daughters in Centre, our son took the picture, and grandchildren + spouses, and great grandchildren. (a few great-grandkids in the making) LOL.

Sept. 2011. Granddaughter's wedding

50th Wedding Anniversary (2012)

Part of our family Christmas 2012

Christmas 2013, with hunter grandson Brendon

Personal account, Copyright © Dr.Trudy Veerman, Webmaster, 1996 - 2017. All rights reserved.

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